6 ways to make every day your best day

Annoh Karlgusta
8 min readMar 4, 2024
Start your day right.

Wake up early

Wake up at 5a.m. Make your bed. Straighten it out and care for it to look nice like you would care for a child. Make a cup of coffee. And get to your work desk. This is my daily routine that I adhire to like a soldier on duty.

And then you want to try to block out 90 to 120 minutes for uninterrupted concentration. Practice distraction management ahead of time. So, you want to turn off your phones, turn off email, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and all. All your messages, all your alerts.

Start your work. Your life’s purpose. Pour it all out. Be it writing a book, or coding an app, or editing a video. Whatever it is, do.

There was a study where they found that coders in flow, if they get knocked out by distraction, a knock at the door, a text alert, or whatever, it can take them 15 minutes to get back into flow, if they can get back in at all.

Remember the coffee? I have the one that I wake up with in the morning. And since I am a little bit of a caffeine friend, I have another one about two hours after that, to really get my morning productivity the kind of meth head high that I am looking for.

Finally, skip breakfast. You want your body to be focused on work. Not digestion. You can either skip breakfast or push it further towards lunch. So, when you wake up in the morning, ask yourself, “Are you really hungry or are you eating out of habit?” The rule of thumb is, DON’T EAT IF YOU ARE NOT HUNGRY.

Cut toxic people out of your life

Toxic people are both online and offline. They program us with information from their posts online, to their music and their way of life.

You nowadays don’t have to go outside and interact with the wrong type of people in order to be influenced. It has come to us. Through our phones. Through the social media that we use everyday.

Environment triumph’s will. What do I mean by that?

I mean that our intention will always be beaten by our environment over time. For example, let us say that you are a music fan but you don’t like Jazz. It is for the other people. You are kind of a country and western kind of guy or girl.

And you listen to country and western in the car going to work but your car’s broken down this week so your good neighbor around the corner who works at the same place has offered to give you a lift.

So you are going to share the 45-minute drive to work and back for the next five days. But they listen to Jazz.

Now, I don’t care what you think consciously. Within three days I know what is going to happen. Within three days in the car, you are tapping your feet to the beat. Within five days, you are humming it in the shower.

That’s what I did when I stopped listening to Bong music. I found a friend who listens to Lingala music. I was never a fan of it. But after two consecutive weeks of listening to the mix he shared with me on Spotify, I’m now a die-hard Lingala fan. I stopped listening to Bongo which was my dream anyway.

The same is the case with cults. Most people who join them go with the belief they can never be converted. But with time, the environment triumph’s will.

You see, we don’t get to choose whether or not we get programmed. We are programmable by design. We can only choose how we want to be programmed.

Another way of saying that is that you can have all of the intention to be as warm and hot as you like. You can raise your body temperature. You can live, put on some big clothes. But if you choose to live in a freezer, the environment is going to win over time.

In other words, you can read all of the positive affirmations. You can stand in frontof the mirror and say that you believe in yourself.

But, if you live with somebody who is constantly pulling you down, somebody who is reminding you of why you are not good enough, and why it won’t work. At some point, you are going to start to believe it.

There is the law of conformity. If you hang out with nine recreational drug users, I have got news for you. You are most likely going to become the tenth. If you hang out with nine positive people who look at life through the lens of how we can, why we can’t, to hold up a mirror for each other’s greatness, to be midwives to each other’s dreams instead of stealing them, you are likely going to become the tenth or you will leave the environment.

It’s the 95% law of the law of conformity.

Read everyday

Reading is how to have one-on-one conversations with some of the greatest minds to ever walk this earth. From the great Nelson Mandela to Elon Musk to the inspirational Naval.

They took their time to share their knowledge which accelerates your progress.

We live in a time in society where there is so much great information. Whether it is a podcast, whether it is inspirational interviews, or whether it is books.

Every single day, you want to take your compass needle and start remagnetizing it in a positive direction by exposing yourself to the kind of information that supports your potential, and your greatness on where you want to go.

There are many great books like Atomic Habits, 12 Rules for Life, and The Meditations by Marcus Aurelius that will completely change your life.

Also, there are many great YouTubers like Lewis Howes who do great interviews with the most successful people of our generation. They share all their secrets.

Now, there is no excuse for not being able to do that in a society where it is so available. But, if you are not choosing to do that, by default, you are going to be hooked into somebody else’s agenda.

Without the proper information, we default to what our parents and teachers taught us. And they were also taught by their parents and teachers. To do different, you will need a different type of information to break out.

The only way is to take charge. To learn. And if you don’t start filming at the start of the movie in your life, by default you are going to end up as a film extra in somebody else’s.

Eat nutritious foods

To have the energy to do great things, you need to fuel your body with the right type of food.

Just as a car engine needs fuel, your body needs certain types of food to function properly.

And KFC chicken wings ain’t going to cut it. They prioritize the taste of the food to the benefits of the food. They are made in the lab to taste better.

So, what type of foods are the best for someone looking to have nutritious foods?

- Leafy greens. So, nonstarchy vegetables include leafy greens. So, lettuce spinach and kale, and any sort of leaf is going to be very high in nutrients, minerals, vitamins, in fiber and it is going to be very low in carbohydrates starch and sugar.

- Berries. Alright, so humans have never had access to sweet juicy fruit, large fruit 365 days a year that we do now. And therefore that provides a lot of sugar even though it does have a lot of nutrients. It does provide more sugar than humans should probably have in the long run.

The best berries are strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries. They are the lowest in sugar and the highest in nutrients.

A good thing to remember is that we want to keep our sugar intake low so that we don’t spike insulin which causes all sorts of problems like type II diabetes.

- Meat. Most other thing that we would eat exclusively for a short time, we would perish. We would get some sort of deficiency or we just wouldn’t get enough fuel or nutrients to survive.

But, animal proteins especially the fat kinds provide enough nutrients that we could live on it for years.

This is what my great-grandma does. She is still alive by the way. And walking comfortably from one place to another without anyone’s help(though with a stick). She only eats meat. All types. The boiled ones to the nyama chomas as we call it here. Anything else, she doesn’t consider it food.

I’m not saying that’s optimal even though some carnivores are doing really well on that.

- Eggs. This is the king of all foods. It has all the nutrients. I take at least 5 boiled eggs a day. The power I get at the gym is enormous. Guys think I use the artificial stuffs. But it is just eggs.

Seek out challenges

The most disciplined I have ever been was when I started exposing myself to voluntary hardship. Be it taking cold showers daily, going to the gym, walking 50k steps in a day(though ones in a while).

Turns out I was building resilience and self-discipline from the knowledge of the ancient philosophers.

I was taking myself out of my comfort zone. From all my boredom of wanting to sit or just sleep and eat all day.

This has enabled me to be successful in all areas of my life. I never miss a day of writing my journal. I never miss a day of learning. I never miss a day of tweeting. I never miss a day or teaching people how to code.

It goes beyond the physical and into the mental. It is an exercise for the mind. Just as we go to the gym and we become stronger and our muscles begin to pop up, the same happens with our minds when we seek challenges.

Life will throw everything at you sometimes. And when those adversities come, you need a strong mind. Imagine I told you to lift a 30kgs stone from one place to another. For a gym person, this is his daily routine and he doesn’t find it difficult. For a normal person, after lifting it, he might complain of back pains or muscle pains.

Same with life adversities. When you are prepared mentally for challenges, it will just be another walk in the park. It won’t affect you as it would have had before.


At the end of the day, we are just passing by. We are all on a journey. And life is just but a game.

Remember to always align yourself with the man up there. Trust your gut when you are about to do something that is not right. Always ask yourself, does this please God?

Also, pray at all times. We live in a spiritual world with physical bodies. I don’t remember where I heard that but I believe it to be true. With everything that is happening in the world.

I recently decided to share all my secrets into web development by creating the art of web development course. Don’t miss out on the early bird savings here.

Otherwise, I wish you a good day. See you on the next one.

