How to fix your life(Get out of your head and into your life)

Annoh Karlgusta
9 min readNov 17, 2023

We find ourselves in situations that seems helpless. We might lose hope. It becomes a constant loop of events, day after day. And you don’t know how to get out.

The people around you also are in that helpless situation. You know it could be better but how?

Today, I will share with you steps that you can use to unfvck your life and get to the right path of life my friend.

So, let’s start.

Start with your body

Shower. Get fresh. Brush your teeth. Comb your hair. Wear a perfume and a roll on. Look yourself in the mirror and smile. This is it. This is the character you will be playing in the video game of life.

And if you fail to take care of yourself in the most basic level, you will fail forward. It is like a domino effect where cards fall on each other.

Because it all starts with you.

Being clean and feeling fresh as a habit will increase your self-perception over time. You will be putting your best foot forward, and will be signaling to your subconscious that you are worth taking care of.

So, even if aliens invade us right now and decide to take us to unknown land, at least you will smell good.

Arrange your habitat

Start with the utensils. Make sure you wash your utensils before you go to bed. When you wake up, neatly make your bed. Straighten it out and care for it to look nice like you would care for a child.

Clean your room. Deep clean your house. Get rid of all the shit that is scattering your mind.

Refuse to be the king of dirty things. A King surrounded by dirty servants. Always reminded of the things left undone.

Because the space you occupy is an extension of yourself.

Is it disordered? Because if it is, so are you.

So take control. You can order yourself or order your habitat. It doesn’t really matter because it is the same thing.

No more half-done jobs. Go room to room and make things right. Make things beautiful.

When you are clean, and your habitat is too, then you will feel like you have your shit together. And it will encourage you to bring that energy to the rest of your life.

Start with you and the things that you have control over, and go forward.

Step out of the house

Step 3 is to get out of your house. The human brain operates best with our feet moving, sun in our face, and eyes moving from left to right.

Go outside because everyone is wondering where you went. We are meant to be in relationship and community with others.

With the current world of TikTok, television, food in the house and bombardment of news and entertainment, you have to take the initiative. Because the modern world is designed from the ground-up to keep you inside.

We technically don’t have to leave the house ever. So, a lot of us don’t. And our lives pass us by.


Vitamin D, sun exposure, low light gazing. All these things that affect our brain and affect our neuro-chemistry that if we are segmenting our workout life, and our regular life a bunch, then we don’t get that.

Walking allows us to get it all done in one simple place.

Go out on a walk, take your dogs on a walk.

Go out on a walk, get some space from your family for a minute if you need it.

Go out on a walk.

Whatever you need to do, you can get your sunlight, you can get your low light gazing, which affects your sleep, you can get the fat burning effect, and you can get the Angiogenesis effect that is probably going to make you strong in the weight room as well.

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Take 100% ownership of your life

Nobody owes you anything, nobody is going to give you anything. You are only going to get to where you want to go in life by taking ownership for your life.

The minute you start playing the victim card and blaming somebody else, you might as well lay down and cry yourself to sleep. You are a bitch.

Nobody cares. The only person that cares about yourself should be you. The only person that is going to make you a better version of yourself, will be you.

You are the one that makes the choices everyday. You need to take ownership for your choices.

You can work on whatever you think is holding you back.

Pain + Reflection = Growth.

Again, nobody owes you anything. Whatever pain points in your life, have hurt you, have held you back. Sit back, take a deep breath. Breathe.

Breathe and reflect.

There is a lesson there. Don’t lose in life. Learn.

You are not damaged or broken. Where you sit right now is where you are supposed to be. Whatever delivered you to where you are today, where you need to reconcile whatever shit it is that you need to work on, that is where you are supposed to be. That is your starting point.

As an adult, you get out of bed. Unless you have lost your limbs serving your country and you got to roll into a wheelchair, everybody gets out of bed the same way. You roll out of it. You stand up out of it.

You start your day the exact same way. You don’t get to play the victim card as an adult.

You are in-charge of your life. You are the one that is driving your life. You are the one that is going to get the results that you want, if you make the changes in your life to get what you want.

You have to do the work. Nothing is going to come to you.

Stop watching the news

If you still think that the mainstream media is about reporting the news, you are in Disneyland.

The job of the media is not to report the news. The job of the mainstream media is to stimulate another part of the brain called the amygdala which is designed evolutionary to notice negative before positive so that they can hook your attention out of the mass of the crowd and record you as a viewing statistic to justify rate cards and advertising. The media is not a charity.

So, I haven’t watched a news report or read a newspaper for pretty much 9 years now. If you still watch things like CNN(Constant Negative News), I have news for you.

From what I understand, it is all the same news. It is the same news it was 17 years ago. It is just happening to different people.

And so, you cannot watch the news and be positive. It is like saying I want to be healthy and I smoke. Just doesn’t work.

You can go to the gym as many times as you want but if you are smoking, you can’t be healthy. It is a binary equation.

And, if you are being programmed by the mainstream media, you can’t have that default magnetic north move away from being negative. It is constant programming.

So, stop programming yourself with why the world won’t work, and start taking charge of where you point your flashlight.

Choose your peer group wisely

The other thing is about peer group. Now, some people say “Yeah, I could probably change my friends but, I can’t change my family. My brother is the most negative person I know. My mother-in-law telling me I am not good enough for her son or whatever it may be.”

Well, I know that we can’t change our family, and looking at the reasons why you choose your parents in another article.

But the best advice I can give is love your family, choose your friends.

Start putting the right things in

Now, we live in a time in society where there is so much great information. Whether it is a podcast, whether it is inspirational interviews, or whether it is books.

Every single say or at least every single week, you want to take your compass needle and start re-magnetizing it in a positive direction by exposing yourself to the kind of information that supports your potential, and your greatness on where you want to go.

Now, there is no excuse for not being able to do that now in a society where it is so available. But, if you are not choosing to do that, by default, you are going to be hooked into somebody else’s agenda.

And if you don’t start filming as the star of the movie in your life, by default you are going to end up as a film extra in somebody else’s.

Constantly update your belief system

I don’t change my mind in my life. When it comes to things, I update my belief system.

So, when you update your belief system, come from inside, comes from your core values, comes from what you believe which will dictate the choices that you make every day.

Should I drink water or coke? Simple choice. When I go to the grocery store, and I fill my shopping cart up with my groceries, there is always a distinct correlation between what is in the shopping cart and what that person looks like physically. 100% of the time, you can’t get away from it.

And if you update your belief system to believe that water is the choice instead of Pepsi or Coke or alcohol, it is a simple way to start having a better life.

Make better choices by updating your belief system, you will get better results.

Make self care a lifestyle choice

Pick up heavy stuff, put it down. Be intentional about the stuff you are going to be putting in your body. Rest properly.

I don’t know about you but do you ever get an extra body halfway through your life? Right, you only get one.

So, why are you treating it like shit. Why would you put low quality fuel in a nice car? You do that to a nice car, it is going to fall apart and break down.

Pay attention to self-care. It matters.

Circle of Influence Matters

If you hang out with nine recreational drug users, you are most likely going to become the tenth.

If you hand out with nine positive people that look at life through the lens of how we can, why we can’t, to hold up a mirror for each other’s greatness, to be midwives to each other’s dreams instead of stealing them, you are likely going to become the tenth or you will leave the environment. It is the 95% law of the law of conformity.

So, you have to be intentional about the rooms that you place yourself in.

If you are intentional about where you go, and the time you spend with people and who you choose to spend time with, and people that you refuse to spend time with, your life will improve. It is about making these better choices.

Have a strategy

Every military operation, political campaign, major corporation relies on a strategy to increase the chances of success.

If you were tasked to run one of these entities, and you showed up without a strategy, you would be laughed out the door.

But what about your life? Are you just floating through without a strategy, hoping you will end up in a desirable place five years down the line?

Things don’t usually get better on their own. Even a man of faith would be a fool not to be proactive with the tools God had given him.

Take a pen and paper and write it down. What do you want in life? And in what ways do you tend to fail achieving it?

Develop a strategy based on the information you have available and use this information to figure out the most effective way forward.

You would be surprised as to how monstrously effective even a basic strategy can be.

Put your rationalization on mute

Submit to the things you must do, because the thinking has already been done by you. Shut your mind off and relinquish yourself of the burden of overthinking.

Learn what it feels like to put your rationalization on mute. Take a deep breath and do what you need to do.

Trust the more authentic voice in your head, and let it override your weaker self.

Because over time, this authentic self will become your primary voice. And the more you listen to your authentic self, the more you will develop a stronger sense of identity.

And having a strong, reliable identity is the basis of confidence and self-efficacy. And there is not better feeling than that.

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Other than that, thank you so much for reading. We will catch up on the next article.

