My Cheat Code To Fitness

Karlgusta Esimit
3 min readSep 5, 2024


There are many things that one may engage in that will bring him health.

I see people going to voodoo, some to church, while others are solely on the gym train. That treadmill as I see a lot.

But as I discovered, health is not just weight loss.

It’s more than that.

It is being able to enjoy time with family, it is being able to play basketball without getting tired in your 30s and 40s. It is about avoiding the large hospital bills.

Most of the people I know, by the time they cross 40–45 years, it is game over. Hospitals become their second name.

So, I sought to discover how to win this. Win this game of health.

I found 5 things.

Reducing time-frame of eating

I discovered one thing when I was getting sick. As a matter of fact, mine wasn’t sickness. It was an awakening moment.

I was eating a lot. True to it, I believed that even if I get sick, I can always go to the hospital. My insurance and even the extra money I had could easily cover my health expenses.

But talk of a rude shock.

From one hospital to another I went. Referrals after referrals of big hospitals and not even one doctor could tell me what my disease was.

I spent my insurance, time travelling, and my own personal money until I discovered something free.

This must have been my every night prayers being answered.

I discovered healthy eating and fasting.

And these have been my building blocks to not only weight loss and being healthy. They have helped me heal myself.

Lift heavy things

This is underrated. It is not only for you to get strong and building everyone on the streets while walking. It is the best mental health medicine.

I have used this a lot especially when going through difficult times. To me, it is a cope. A cope that I use instead of alcohol and all that bad stuff.

But I realized that many believe that it is the only way to get healthy. To get fit. Far from it.

Yes, you will get strong. Have some muscles. But it doesn’t look at the underlying issues.

But that is what doctors and my premium insurance are for? Wait until you get seriously ill, where even after discovering your sickness from Google and even your doctors, and realizing that they can’t help you.

That is when you will realize that you cannot pray for your car to get back on the road, when it is going down a slope.

Put one foot in front of the other

If you want a cheat code for mental health. This is it.

If your wife refuses ‘chamama-chababa’, go for a walk. If you can’t solve that coding problem, go for a walk. If you have lost your job and it is eating you up in the house, go for a walk.

Basically, going for a walk has been a big cheat code in my life. It has its many scientific benefits that I don’t want to bore you with here, but I usually discuss them in my articles.

Walking is a cheat code to weight loss. It is one of the big reasons that I am lean and flexible.

Touch grass

I know touching grass has been used many times to mean something else. But in this case, I literally mean you touch some grass with your feet.

There is something called grounding. They discovered that it helps a lot with inflammations. A lot of these things will sound like voo-doo but it is true.

Every week, you want to touch grass. Bare feet to the ground. And I will leave it at that.

There is more I would like to discuss on this article. But I’ll leave it at that for today.

Remember, there are two things you can do. Subscribe to my newsletter to hear from me again or, join my wellness group.

That’s all.

See you next time.


